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제목을 입력하세요. 덧글 0 | 조회 4,331 | 2021-03-31 19:01:23

The fashion industry globally is experiencing positive growth. The presence of millennial fashion designers has contributed to the development of fashion industry trends in various parts of the world. Scarves, shawls, and pashmina, these three are fashion items that have recently become a topic of conversation in cyberspace. The three materials are usually used as a scarf, neck warmer, and a head covering or hijab. Even though both are in the hijab fashion category, it turns out that both the scarf, shawl and pashmina have differences, you know!


This fashion item is very popular, especially for Muslim women. Yes, the pashmina we usually encounter today is widely used as a hijab for various purposes such as work, daily activities, or attending formal events. The term pashmina itself actually comes from the Persian language 'Pasmineh', meaning wool.

The wool used for the manufacture of pashmina is made from a special material, namely goat or sheep hair that lives in Persian regions, such as India, Nepal, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iran. The manufacture is done through a process of hand spinning and weaving.

In the AD era, the pasmina was used as a symbol of luxury. This material is synonymous with elite clothing. They use a special pashmina or cashmere material to make a scarf or scarf. The texture is so soft because it is mixed with silk and warms up.

Along with its popularity in various parts of the world, pasmina is also used as a fashion hijab. Indonesians call it the pasmina hijab. The majority of Indonesian people prefer the pahmina hijab made of satin. This is because it looks shiny, so it looks luxurious and elegant. Pasmina made from tyrex is also a mainstay of hijab women in Indonesia. The reason is because the material is not slippery and easy to adjust, so it can be used as a modern hijab model.


In ancient Roman times, the women's scarves functioned as a sweat wiping cloth known as sadarium (Latin for sweat wiping cloth). The Romans then developed the scarf into a fashion accessory for men. They used to wear it by tying it around the neck or tying it to a belt.

According to historical records, the scarf was originally made of ordinary cloth made of cotton or silk, not wool. Its function is as a sign of the rank of Chinese Emperor Cheng's army (Shih Huang Ti). The massive popularity of the scarf occurred around the 17th century by Croatian mercenaries. In France, the color of the scarf is even a sign of the wearer's political flow.

The scarves we usually encounter today are generally small in size. They are the same length and width, forming an equilateral rectangle, starting with a size of about 30 centimeters, or more. The material for making it can also be made of chiffon, silk or t-shirt material.

Also read: Different Types of Materials for Scarves

Small scarves with various motifs are usually worn by tying them around the neck or making headbands. This style was known in the 50s, as a pin-up woman. While a larger scarf is usually used as a head covering which we call a rectangular hijab. One of the advantages of a scarf lies in its flexibility. We are free to be creative and use a scarf around the neck, waist, tied around the wrists and thighs, wrapped in a bag, or simply tucked in the back pocket of the pants.


Scarves are taken from Persian, meaning simple clothes. The shape is usually rectangular or square. How to use it is made loosely around the shoulders, neck and head. The material for the scarf is made of wool. In the 4-season countries, the scarf is generally made of thick wool. The process of making it is knitted to form a rectangle. When winter came, people wore scarves to warm themselves. We can also wear this one fashion item when traveling to the top where the air is so cold.

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